How to grow your chrome extension from 0 to 1000 users

Michael Mitrakos


Having worked across sites raking in over 50 billion website visits annually with Higglo Digital I write about tech topics and teach engineers to have solid foundations that will help them get ahead in their career. I also build awesome products for digital nomads — check it out!

Ever surfed the web and found a tool that seemed almost too good to be true? Perhaps a mini-app that helped you shop smarter or maybe you’ve even come across my own Wanderlust Extension? These extensions help improve the lives of millions of people, so let’s bring your tool to the masses.

Wanderlust Extension

Why 1,000 Users Matter
So, why is hitting the 1,000-user milestone a big deal? In simple terms, it’s the first sign that you’re onto something worth people’s attention. At this point, you’re no longer just a blip on the radar. You’ve amassed a treasure trove of data, user feedback, and importantly, a base for monetization.

The Preliminary Steps

Conceptualizing the Idea
Before you dive headfirst into code, you need to make sure your idea holds water. Is it unique? Is it solving a problem or enhancing an experience? Your initial concept is like your compass; it sets the direction for your entire journey.

Market Research
Information is power. Who else is out there doing what you’re planning to do? What can you learn from them? What gap in the market can you exploit? Think of market research as the detective work that precedes your action-packed adventure.

Launching the Extension

Chrome Web Store
It’s showtime! The Chrome Web Store is your launchpad. Make your listing appealing with stunning visuals and compelling descriptions. You want to make heads turn and fingers click.

Initial User Acquisition
Your extension is live, but don’t pop the champagne just yet. Now begins the hustle of attracting those first critical users. Think of it as throwing a party; you’ve got to get some folks in the door before it can become a real celebration.

Promotion Strategies

Social Media
If your extension is your product, then social media is your billboard. It’s the stage where you announce yourself to the world. But more than that, it’s a two-way street, a place for dialogue and engagement with your burgeoning community.

Influencer Partnerships
Why not recruit some help to spread the word? Influencers come with a ready audience that trusts their recommendations. It’s like being a local musician and suddenly having a rockstar invite you to share their stage.

Press Coverage
It’s your extension’s Hollywood moment. Get it covered in tech blogs, news websites, and other media outlets. Exposure like this can take your user count from a trickle to a flood.

Engagement and Retention

Customer Feedback
This is the part where you can’t afford to have a ‘know-it-all’ attitude. Your users are your best critics and your most insightful advisors. Turn their feedback into your action items.

Regular Updates
Resting on your laurels? That’s a no-go. Keep delivering value through regular updates. Think of your extension like a hit TV show; you have to keep producing good episodes to keep the audience hooked. Chrome’s algorithms reward extensions that are constantly being developed.

User Onboarding
How can you make a guest feel welcome in your home? By showing them where everything is and how it works, right? An effective user onboarding process is no different. Make sure you make yourself or your team available when issues arise.

Tracking Metrics and Performance

Google Analytics
It’s the magnifying glass through which you inspect your extension’s performance. Google Analytics tells you what’s working and what’s not. And believe me, ignorance isn’t bliss here.

User Retention Data
Keep an eye on this metric like a hawk. It’s the key to knowing whether your extension is a one-hit-wonder or the start of a long-running series.


Free vs Paid Model
It’s the eternal conundrum. Do you give away your hard work for free, hoping to monetize later, or do you put a price tag on it from the get-go? Choose wisely, as your decision will impact your path to 1,000 users and beyond.

Subscription-Based Model
A subscription model can be a golden goose, offering a steady income. However, it has to provide consistent and continuous value, just like a magazine that delivers great content issue after issue.

Scaling Up

Paid Advertising
Feel like your extension is ready for the big leagues? Start pouring some money into paid advertising to give it the limelight it deserves. You don’t have to start big, so take a small amount and start testing out various methods and messaging to see what works.

Email Marketing
Don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted email. It’s your chance for some one-on-one time with your user, offering personalized insights, tips, and updates.

My Experience with Wanderlust Extension

When I started with Wanderlust Extension (here’s the chrome extension), the journey from 0 to 300 users was nothing short of a roller coaster. Through targeted blog posts and close interaction with initial users, we kept refining the extension. This hard work paid off when we got the featured extension badge in the Chrome Web Store, a milestone that not only boosted our visibility but also validated our efforts.

The Featured Badge
Receiving the featured badge in the chrome marketplace had a HUGE boost on our numbers. It might seem difficult, but we’ve broken down here how to get the featured badge for your chrome extension.


Navigating the maze from zero to 1,000 users requires a lot more than just a good idea. It’s a multidimensional challenge that tests your skills in development, marketing, analytics, and customer relations. But with the right moves, you can not only hit but far exceed that pivotal 1,000-user mark.

I founded Higglo Digital, where we specialize in giving businesses a killer online presence. We craft top-notch websites and digital strategies that could win awards. If you want to see a beautifully designed website, check us out.

If you’ve got a case of wanderlust, you’ll want to check out another project of mine: the Wanderlust Extension. It’s your virtual passport to the world’s most stunning locations, all handpicked for your awe and inspiration. Give it a whirl!

